rowan wrote:Utter tripe, the Kurdish YPG are not lumped together with Al Qaeda or ISIS across Europe and I don't know anyone who think's they're fighting Western imperialism, far from it. Maybe that's the case in Turkey, but seeing as your typical lunacy sees you directing scorn at the US and the UK then we're not responsible for the Turkish government's take on the situation nor the reporting of it in Turkey.
That was an example of a group fighting Western proxies - the terrorists America & Saudi, et al, created. You were the one lumping them all together and making silly analogies about Germany and Deutschland. Fact is, just like the actual terrorists, those fighting Western imperialism and Western proxies (including terrorists) do not name themselves like pop groups. That's a creation of Western media. Al Qaeda is actually a slang term for 'the toilet' in Arabic, so that really wouldn't be a very good choice, would it? So they've been rebranded as 'ISIS,' 'Daesh,' 'Al Sham,' 'Al Nusra,' etc (the Khorasan was discredited early on), but these names have all been provided by the West and no distinction is made between jihadist maniacs and resistance fighters. It also serves to disguise the fact the former are provided by staunched American ally Saudi Arabia.
I don't think I lumped anyone together. Certainly not Al Qaeda and the Kurdish rebels, when it was noted sometimes they're reported as friends and sometimes as terrorists I took that to mean (give there was commentary on Al Qaeda) we were friends with the Mujahideen when they fought the Soviets, and from some of those groups grew what we might refer to as Al Qaeda, who we weren't friends with, though must likely we're now working with some elements of Al Qaeda again now we're opposed to ISIS.