Apologies. Won't do it again.belgarion wrote:Are you on a commsion with YouTube for the number of time you can link that video into a post?rowan wrote:Sandydragon wrote:
Claiming that the US was responsible for the Syrian uprising in the first place ignores a wealth of evidence to the contrary. Western interest occurred after the uprising commenced.
AS for asumptions, the lack of targeting is a symptom of the Russian military, as seen in Syria, Chechnya and Georgia. On the other hand, Ive seen the attempts to prevent unnecessary loss of life by the US and Western allies.
That atrocity was a mistake which was stopped as soon as it became known that a mistake had occurred. How many mistakes did Russian and Syria make whem bombing hospitals and other civilian targets in Aleppo?
Russia hasn't killed 20 million people since WWII, has never dropped an atomic bomb on another nation, and didn't drop 3 bombs an hour last year, or 26K per annum, nor violate a crucial ceasefire by bombing the military of a nation it was operating illegally in. & that atrocity went on for hours, allowing the terrorists to recapture vital territory and prolong the conflict - which Russia was then perversely blamed for.
Western interest actually had nothing to do with the Arab Spring protests. There is no connection, other than that it was used as a pretext for intervention. The students and feminists did not suddenly morph into machine gun-toting Jihadi terrorists, and neither were the machine-gun toting terrorists much interested in what the students and feminists were protesting for - which was definitely not regime change.
The US, Saudi and their allies have many reasons for wanting regime change - the rejection of the Qatar-Turkey pipeline project, for instance, Israel's territorial disputes (UN has ruled against Israel), Turkish concerns over Kurdish combatants operating from behind the Syrian border, and Saudi's wish to break the Shi'ite crescent connecting Iran to Lebanon and the Mediterranean (ironically established by America's prior regime change operation in Iraq).
There have been plenty of articles written and published along these lines, if you look beyond BBC and the Guardian for a change, and here it is, again, the truth you're attempting to dismiss, straight from the horse's mouth:
Of course, the UN General Assembly are allow brainwashed by western media as well. I'm sure you are awaiting the results of the UN investigation into war crimes with bated breath.
The same UN that gave Palestinian territory to Zionists from Europe, you mean? It's a puppet of Washington much of the time. Not all of the time, but much of it. But, yes, I'll certainly be interested in their findings.![]()
I haveent even begun to discuss the use of force by Hezbollah and Iran, for which the Assad government again holds much of the responsibility having requested their assistance.
so let me guess, in your world Hezbollah and Iran evil, yes? One formed to fight Israeli aggression (after an horrific massacre of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon), the other the victim of an American orchestrated coup that extend the Shah's brutal dictatorship for 26 years while America continued to control the oil industry...
There is absolutley no need to keep posting it after the 1st one. Anyone interested will have watched it the
first time & those who are not will ignore it again (& again & again ad nauseum)
... oops