I don't often comment on any middle eastern issues blah blah.
Doesn't stop you butting into such discussions, however.
So who's the hypocrite here?
Why are you picking fights? Most people on here broadly agree with you
Is the below comment (from Sandy) picking a fight or broadly agreeing . . .
Do some research into the attacks and see how the attackers were radicalised and inspired. ISIS makes heavy use of social media for this purpose. And for the record, mic of the media here talks about ISIS inspired rather than organised attacks.
My response was . .
Again the condescencion. I live in the region and read the press in the local language. Do some research yourself. Talking to me about ISIS, you might as well be talking about Santa. It's absurd to think they are responsible for every mass murder by a Muslim abroad when the West has been bombing 7 Muslim countries for the past 8 years under Obama. The propaganda industry labels them ISIS-inspired - which means exactly diddly-squat. The bombing and destruction of their homelands is all the inspiration they need, evidently.
So who's the hypocrite here?
I'd go out on a limb and suggest most people on the board don't agree with Rowan
I'd go out on a limb and suggest most people in the Middle East would. That's because I live here, talk to the locals every day, speaking their language and read the local press. So you think ISIS has been attacking Sunni majority Turkey when they have a pro-Sunni agenda? If you came here and spouted that nonsense you'd been laughed out of town.
So who's the hypocrite here?
Anyway, a lot of diversion tactics going on here, so I suggest we get back to the discussion. The point I originally made, that got everybody so angrified, was simply that the terrorist attacks in Europe and North America are
not being carried out by ISIS-affiliated/trained/inspired operatives from a multitude of different countries (often born in the one they attack, in fact) by such basic methods as driving trucks into crowds, attacking people with machetes and the standard American technique of simply gunning 'em down.
are being carried out by individuals and small groups of individuals radicalized by the West's bombing and destruction of a vast swathe of the Middle East - leading to millions of deaths, the destruction of entire nations, and a refugee tidal wave into Europe. The problem that you have with this vastly more plausible explanation is that it involves accountability on the part of the West.
The convenience of applying tags to the Jihadists and mercenaries, as if they were pop groups or football teams, is that it provides a pretext for NATO intevention anywhere they like. We've just had the US, Britain, France and Turkey all bombing within Syria's borders - without an invite from Damascus and therefore illegally - under the pretext of 'fighting ISIS. Guess what, theyre 'fighting ISIS' in Iraq too, and also in Libya where the battle continues to fill the void left by Gaddafi's murder. Yes, they're bombing all these countries to liberate them from 'ISIS' and keeping us safe, not to remove unco-operative leaders and gain control of their natural resources. That millions are killed in the process is a shame, but you can blame Putin for that...