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Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2017 4:11 pm
by Stones of granite
Shame it's just the Army, they could fill a whole series with goings-on on a nuclear boat. After the watershed, obviously.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 8:58 am
by SerjeantWildgoose
I understand NETFLIX have had a locations scout checking out the Royal Navy's nuclear subs for the next series of Narcos.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:57 am
by Stones of granite
SerjeantWildgoose wrote:I understand NETFLIX have had a locations scout checking out the Royal Navy's nuclear subs for the next series of Narcos.
Faslane Shore?
The Only Way is Garelochhead?

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:59 am
by OptimisticJock
SerjeantWildgoose wrote:I understand NETFLIX have had a locations scout checking out the Royal Navy's nuclear subs for the next series of Narcos.
I think I'd rather take my chances in Mexico.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:02 am
by Stones of granite
OptimisticJock wrote:
SerjeantWildgoose wrote:I understand NETFLIX have had a locations scout checking out the Royal Navy's nuclear subs for the next series of Narcos.
I think I'd rather take my chances in Mexico.
As someone who has travelled extensively in Southern Mexico for work*, I'm not sure you would. It's even wilder than Dundee - think Paisley with fully automatic weapons,

*past tense. HSE dept won't let me go now.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:54 pm
by Numbers
I watched Stranger Things 2 over the weekend, splendid stuff.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 9:57 am
by WaspInWales
Numbers wrote:I watched Stranger Things 2 over the weekend, splendid stuff.
My daughter is hooked on that. I watched a little bit of it but couldn't really get into it. May give it another try.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:01 am
by WaspInWales
Detectorists series 3 has started. Enjoyed the first two series so looking forward to see how things pan out.

Peaky Blinders series 4 starts next Wednesday. Another good British show.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 12:01 pm
by Numbers
WaspInWales wrote:Detectorists series 3 has started. Enjoyed the first two series so looking forward to see how things pan out.

Peaky Blinders series 4 starts next Wednesday. Another good British show.
Yeah, I started watching the new series, it's very pleasant comedy.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:20 am
by welshsaint

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:37 pm
by Mikey Brown
So I finally caved and watched that stranger things thing. The first season was pretty entertaining, it was pretty hacky but in a fun enough way. The second series though is absolutely not worth watching for a second. Christ. Absolutely fucking awful. I can’t beleive I’ve watched as much of it as I did.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:55 pm
by rowan
Supposedly an allegory for the dangers of mass immigration :roll:

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:14 am
by fivepointer
Peaky Blinders is back. And darn good it is too.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:29 am
by Numbers
Mikey Brown wrote:So I finally caved and watched that stranger things thing. The first season was pretty entertaining, it was pretty hacky but in a fun enough way. The second series though is absolutely not worth watching for a second. Christ. Absolutely fucking awful. I can’t beleive I’ve watched as much of it as I did.
You are the only person I have seen review this badly, everyone I speak to loves it, each to his own I suppose.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:25 pm
by Which Tyler
I watched it over the weekend - and my opinion is a toned down version of Mikey's
First season was genuinely good TV - not great but good, and kept my attention well.
Second season I gradually phased out as the season progressed - they had nothing to add after S1, and had to give everyone a character transplant to create a story that... wasn't really worth following.
Basically, they seemed to fall into the classic trap after a good first effort, believed their own hype, and got lazy.

Not one to rewatch, and whilst I'd be happy to recommend S1 to any friends, I'd also recommend that they stick to just S1.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:27 pm
by Numbers
Which Tyler wrote:I watched it over the weekend - and my opinion is a toned down version of Mikey's
First season was genuinely good TV - not great but good, and kept my attention well.
Second season I gradually phased out as the season progressed - they had nothing to add after S1, and had to give everyone a character transplant to create a story that... wasn't really worth following.
Basically, they seemed to fall into the classic trap after a good first effort, believed their own hype, and got lazy.

Not one to rewatch, and whilst I'd be happy to recommend S1 to any friends, I'd also recommend that they stick to just S1.

That surprises me, out of interest what is your age? I'm thinking that this could have a bearing.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:28 pm
by Mikey Brown
Yup. I’d actually commented to people and they told me it was still worth finishing the second series. Watched it last night it somehow got even fucking worse. What the fuck was the point of that blonde, rocker guy? He was possibly the shittiest character I’ve ever seen in anything. Everybody became fully 2 dimensional but this guy really stood out as barely having 1 dimension. I’m angry because my dad is a twat. Brilliant. Who fucking cares?

I absolutely agree they ran out of ideas after the first season.

It felt like they were making it up episode by episode. Each character was given one mood/expression to maintain throughout the series and that was it.

Truly, truly awful.

Sorry. I know people love it. But after all the hype that was a massive letdown. The music was pretty great throughout, but not nearly enough to save it.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:24 pm
by Which Tyler
Numbers wrote:That surprises me, out of interest what is your age? I'm thinking that this could have a bearing.
41, though I'm really not sure why my age would make a difference to writers just getting lazy.
Please note, it's the writers of season 2 I have a problem with. It's well acted, well directed, with a good score.
But the clever I'd be one stupid, the pre-teen jealousy is repackaged as.. pre-teen jealousy, the clever adult becomes stupid, the cautious adult becomes stupid, the other clever kid becomes stupid, the bully becomes!es... brave (that was a decent development) Magneto goes off to learn stuff with DrX, and learns... she's more powerful when being an emotional pre-teen... which she already knew, but sod it, we can waste an hour on that.

Don't get me wrong, S2 was not outright bad; it was just... meh, and not worth paying attention to.
S1 required that I watch the telly.
S2 could have been on in the background whilst I read book and looked up when the music told me to... and would have been better for it. Paying attention for the first 3-4 episodes was giving it more than it deserved

Actually, maybe you're right that I'm too old for it. Season1 probably worked better for people who leave their tablet/phone in the other room without feeling lost.
Season 2 probably worked better for people who watch as secondary to playing candy crush.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:27 pm
by Numbers
Mikey Brown wrote:Yup. I’d actually commented to people and they told me it was still worth finishing the second series. Watched it last night it somehow got even fucking worse. What the fuck was the point of that blonde, rocker guy? He was possibly the shittiest character I’ve ever seen in anything. Everybody became fully 2 dimensional but this guy really stood out as barely having 1 dimension. I’m angry because my dad is a twat. Brilliant. Who fucking cares?

I absolutely agree they ran out of ideas after the first season.

It felt like they were making it up episode by episode. Each character was given one mood/expression to maintain throughout the series and that was it.

Truly, truly awful.

Sorry. I know people love it. But after all the hype that was a massive letdown. The music was pretty great throughout, but not nearly enough to save it.
I'm struggling to see the massive differences between the first two seasons other than they had a far bigger budget for effects this season.

If you are looking for character depth that is not what 80s nostalgia is about, see the Goonies and look for the depth of character ditto all the other 80s films.

If you want character acting see Rectify.

I suspect the next series will see the rocker bloke as some sort of antihero but I doubt you'll be watching that judging by your comments.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:33 pm
by Numbers
Which Tyler wrote:
Numbers wrote:That surprises me, out of interest what is your age? I'm thinking that this could have a bearing.
41, though I'm really not sure why my age would make a difference to writers just getting lazy.
Please note, it's the writers of season 2 I have a problem with. It's well acted, well directed, with a good score.
But the clever I'd be one stupid, the pre-teen jealousy is repackaged as.. pre-teen jealousy, the clever adult becomes stupid, the cautious adult becomes stupid, the other clever kid becomes stupid, the bully becomes!es... brave (that was a decent development) Magneto goes off to learn stuff with DrX, and learns... she's more powerful when being an emotional pre-teen... which she already knew, but sod it, we can waste an hour on that.

Don't get me wrong, S2 was not outright bad; it was just... meh, and not worth paying attention to.
S1 required that I watch the telly.
S2 could have been on in the background whilst I read book and looked up when the music told me to... and would have been better for it. Paying attention for the first 3-4 episodes was giving it more than it deserved

Actually, maybe you're right that I'm too old for it. Season1 probably worked better for people who leave their tablet/phone in the other room without feeling lost.
Season 2 probably worked better for people who watch as secondary to playing candy crush.
I thought perhaps you may be either too young or too old to get the nostalgia side of things, as you are slightly younger than myself then that is obviously not the case, sorry to have offended you.

Both seasons are written by the same group of people, if you don't like it then you don't like it and I'm not going to persuade you otherwise, I am just baffled as I had yet to hear anything negative said about it by anyone I know and I thought most people who post on here would enjoy it, more fool me I suppose.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:39 pm
by Which Tyler
Nostalgia =/= Good TV
Same writers =/= good writers.

I'm aware that it's the same writers, it's why I keep saying that they got lazy, the first season was good, 2nd season was poor writers believed their own hype and got lazy.
It happens in TV, it happens with authors, it happens with musicians, it happens with films. Some people are simply capable of producing magic... and failing to back it up.

Of nostalgia is what hooked you on this series. Then I'm not even slightly surprised that you liked S2, the nostalgia was just as strong. It was the story-telling and characters that hooked me; the story-telling collapsed and the characters mostly had psychotic breaks between seasons.

Incidentally, I'm surprised you hadn't heard anything negative e about S2 - I had certainly been warned that it wasn't as strong as S1

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:14 pm
by Numbers
Which Tyler wrote:Nostalgia =/= Good TV
Same writers =/= good writers.

I'm aware that it's the same writers, it's why I keep saying that they got lazy, the first season was good, 2nd season was poor writers believed their own hype and got lazy.
It happens in TV, it happens with authors, it happens with musicians, it happens with films. Some people are simply capable of producing magic... and failing to back it up.

Of nostalgia is what hooked you on this series. Then I'm not even slightly surprised that you liked S2, the nostalgia was just as strong. It was the story-telling and characters that hooked me; the story-telling collapsed and the characters mostly had psychotic breaks between seasons.

Incidentally, I'm surprised you hadn't heard anything negative e about S2 - I had certainly been warned that it wasn't as strong as S1
Read the critics reviews, I haven't read a bad one yet.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 4:42 pm
by Which Tyler
Why would I read a critic's review of something I've already watched?
For that matter, why would I read a critic's review of anything at all? I don't even read their reviews of rugby matches, and I actually care about those.

As far as I can tell, the very fact that Stranger Things is a Netflix production guarantees it a critic score of 7+ out of 10 regardless of quality.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:14 pm
by Numbers
Which Tyler wrote:Why would I read a critic's review of something I've already watched?
For that matter, why would I read a critic's review of anything at all? I don't even read their reviews of rugby matches, and I actually care about those.

As far as I can tell, the very fact that Stranger Things is a Netflix production guarantees it a critic score of 7+ out of 10 regardless of quality.
To see what other peoples opinions are?

You state that you thought it was poor 2nd season which could potentially put a lot of people off watching it, this is contrary to pretty much every critic review I have read and every person I have spoken to about it (yourself and Mikey excepted). Therefore, tho your opinion is valid, as is anyones it may be misleading as to what is considered to be a more mainstream view.

I know you don't like it as you've made that very clear but being as most people do I would suggest saying it's not worth watching is misleading to most.

Re: Good TV Shows

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:39 pm
by Which Tyler
You're right, I'm sorry, only critics' opinions are valid, and mere viewers who didn't like it should absolutely be ignored if the critics are unanimous - which would be odd with 78% on metacritic.

Equally, Farrell is the best rugby player in the UK and 90% of this board should shut up because the critics love him.