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Re: Trump

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:43 am
by rowan

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:02 pm
by Len
So he likes being pissed on apparently. I still think hes a stupid cunt.

How many family members has he wedged into positions?

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:39 pm
by rowan
Len wrote:So he likes being pissed on apparently. I still think hes a stupid cunt.

How many family members has he wedged into positions?
No argument from me on that.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:41 pm
by WaspInWales
Is this his response to the wiki-leaks?

Loving his Twitter feed, the cunt just keeps giving.

The man seems unable to control his emotions. As monumentally thick Dubya was, he seems like perfect presidential material in comparison.

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Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:34 pm
by Sandydragon
WaspInWales wrote:Is this his response to the wiki-leaks?

Loving his Twitter feed, the cunt just keeps giving.

The man seems unable to control his emotions. As monumentally thick Dubya was, he seems like perfect presidential material in comparison.

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Yup, sightly concerning that he views Twitter as a perfectly acceptable means of communication prior to engaging his brain.

The man is a fricking clown of the highest order. What is concerning is that he is not even President yet, heaven help us all when he has actual power and influence.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:35 pm
by Sandydragon
rowan wrote:
Sandydragon wrote:
rowan wrote:
How outrageous - an American leader actually getting along with his Russian counterpart! This must be stopped! We want another World War and we want it now! :roll:
Or perhaps they don't just rely on anternative media for their information?
It's more reliable than the mainstream media, which helped bring about the genocide in Iraq. In fact, the war couldn't have happened without their government-sourced lies and propaganda. :evil:
Disagree. The alt media is more likely to publish without corroborating evidence - sometimes they strike lucky but MSM does at least try to fact check (normally) as they have a real fear of libel action.

And of course, there is a lot of information which never makes it into the public domain, which the intelligence officers can use to try and persuade Trump.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:46 pm
by morepork
He is thicker than a short plank in a bucket of pig shit floating in an olympic swimming pool filled with donkey cum.

"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me"

What the fuck does that even mean you syphilitic transexual orangutan? Did you finish high school?

Twitter. The unmitigated fuckwit's platform of choice for informed dialogue between adults.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:50 pm
by Len
A lot of money to be made off him if you know what company he is going to slate next on twitter.........

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:50 pm
by morepork
Sandydragon wrote:
rowan wrote:
Sandydragon wrote: Or perhaps they don't just rely on anternative media for their information?
It's more reliable than the mainstream media, which helped bring about the genocide in Iraq. In fact, the war couldn't have happened without their government-sourced lies and propaganda. :evil:
Disagree. The alt media is more likely to publish without corroborating evidence - sometimes they strike lucky but MSM does at least try to fact check (normally) as they have a real fear of libel action.

And of course, there is a lot of information which never makes it into the public domain, which the intelligence officers can use to try and persuade Trump.

The media completely shat the bed on Iraq and you fucking know it.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:06 pm
by morepork

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:23 pm
by WaspInWales
It's got all the hallmarks of a smear campaign but considering the crap he has dished out to others, it is rather amusing watching his reactions every single time someone makes a comment about him.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:26 pm
by WaspInWales
morepork wrote:He is thicker than a short plank in a bucket of pig shit floating in an olympic swimming pool filled with donkey cum.

"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me"

What the fuck does that even mean you syphilitic transexual orangutan? Did you finish high school?

Twitter. The unmitigated fuckwit's platform of choice for informed dialogue between adults.
Twitter makes perfect sense for a guy like him. He doesn't use it for dialogue, well not in the traditional sense. It's very much a one-way dialogue for him. He posts crap and there it is in all its glory. I doubt very much if he reads the responses he gets on there as they are generally negative towards him.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 5:56 pm
by morepork
Now he has removed all possibility of a conflict of interest by handing his bidness over to a blind trust. His sons.

Nice one.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:36 pm
by WaspInWales
That was always his plan and he has said as much.

I really hope he is caught out running the business from the White House.

What does he have to do to be impeached? Would something like that count?

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Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:57 pm
by cashead
WaspInWales wrote:That was always his plan and he has said as much.

I really hope he is caught out running the business from the White House.

What does he have to do to be impeached? Would something like that count?

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I believe that is the case. I'm not sure he'll see out his presidential term, although replacing him with Pence isn't that much better, as he too, is a prize cuntchop. Oh, and Trump's Attorney-General is a racist.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:01 pm
by morepork
It's not entirely clear to me. The President is, I think, exempt from most conflict of interest law, and it is not clear what sort of firewall is in place to rein that shit in should it materialise. A more acute issue may be his incoming cabinet, and more specifically, his fucking cunt kids.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:25 pm
by cashead
There is debate about the emoluments clause in the Constitution. Also, lol the US president is a pissboy.

Here's the report if anyone wants to read it. ... tions.html

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:04 pm
by rowan
Sandydragon wrote:
rowan wrote:
Sandydragon wrote: Or perhaps they don't just rely on anternative media for their information?
It's more reliable than the mainstream media, which helped bring about the genocide in Iraq. In fact, the war couldn't have happened without their government-sourced lies and propaganda. :evil:
Disagree. The alt media is more likely to publish without corroborating evidence - sometimes they strike lucky but MSM does at least try to fact check (normally) as they have a real fear of libel action.

And of course, there is a lot of information which never makes it into the public domain, which the intelligence officers can use to try and persuade Trump.
Alternative media is a very broad field, ranging from the world's foremost political experts, including renowned authors, Pullitzer Prize-winning journalists and former high ranking politicians themselves, contributing to independent media and getting picked up by popular web site domains as well, right down to the tabloids, wacko web sites and Joe blogger, of course. But with the mainstream media you are guaranteed to hear precisely what the state wants you to hear, nothing more and nothing less. So you need to be selective, you need to look at both, as much as possible, and from different nations (and in different languages, if able) - and after a while the benefit of your own experience will guide your judgement. Then it's just a question of how honest with yourself you want to be.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:13 pm
by Digby
Here's GoldenShowers doing the ice bucket challenge, and he doesn't quite react as though the water is ice cold, indeed one might almost think the 'water' to be warm -

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:19 pm
by Len
Just watched his press conference. This is going to be an awesome period of time whilst hes in the office.

He cares way too much about what people think of him. I'm fairly convinced he has some deep down phychological issues just judging by what he says and his body language. Neurotic as. And as always he bangs on about how great hes going to make everything and all the important people hes introduced to his following but he never backs anything up with facts, data or numbers.

Did you see how he compared his treatment by CNN to the Nazis? Lol. And then he completely refused to talk to them and dismissed them (like a Nazi)

Compete clown. Fantastic. I'm strapped in and can't wait to see what happens. I hope he tanks. For teh lulz.

Re: Trump

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:33 pm
by WaspInWales
Len wrote:Just watched his press conference. This is going to be an awesome period of time whilst hes in the office.

He cares way too much about what people think of him. I'm fairly convinced he has some deep down phychological issues just judging by what he says and his body language. Neurotic as. And as always he bangs on about how great hes going to make everything and all the important people hes introduced to his following but he never backs anything up with facts, data or numbers.

Did you see how he compared his treatment by CNN to the Nazis? Lol. And then he completely refused to talk to them and dismissed them (like a Nazi)

Compete clown. Fantastic. I'm strapped in and can't wait to see what happens. I hope he tanks. For teh lulz.
Considering he has spent much of his 70 years surrounded by people telling him how great he is, it's hardly surprising how he reacts when facing criticism.

He may well have some psychological and personality issues too. He clearly rates himself as highly intelligent, good looking, a great, nay, the greatest businessman in the world, no doubt a great lover as well as being an all round good guy. As deluded as he is, it's extremely entertaining.

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 12:08 am
by morepork
That press conference was a special needs master class. Referring to himself in the third person, rhetoric clouded by horrendously bad grammar, his little hands making sign language. His fuckwit offspring standing either side of him like lab rats. Profoundly unsophisticated. Sweet baby jesus. WWF is more credible. Buy the ticket. Take the ride. Len is right, enjoy the comedy.

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:11 am
by cashead
morepork wrote:That press conference was a special needs master class. Referring to himself in the third person, rhetoric clouded by horrendously bad grammar, his little hands making sign language. His fuckwit offspring standing either side of him like lab rats. Profoundly unsophisticated. Sweet baby jesus. WWF is more credible. Buy the ticket. Take the ride. Len is right, enjoy the comedy.
Reminder that he is in the WWE Hall of Fame, and he's tapped Linda McMahon as his cabinet's Small Business Administrator.

Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:05 am
by cashead
Turns out it was McCain what was behind this kerfuffle. Ah McCain, you've done it again.

Re: RE: Re: Trump

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:03 am
by canta_brian
morepork wrote:That press conference was a special needs master class. Referring to himself in the third person, rhetoric clouded by horrendously bad grammar, his little hands making sign language. His fuckwit offspring standing either side of him like lab rats. Profoundly unsophisticated. Sweet baby jesus. WWF is more credible. Buy the ticket. Take the ride. Len is right, enjoy the comedy.
Unhinged was the word that leapt to mind for me.