In Aotearoa, as they do in Germany, we use the Mixed Member Proportional system. "What in the dick is that?" you might ask? Here are a couple of videos to help you:
TL:DW; MMP gives each eligible voter 2 votes each - one for your local Electorate MP (basically a Constituency for you British cunts) and one for your preferred Party. Usually, the two are clearly aligned - it's not unusual for the electorate MP votes to be consistent with whichever party that won the Party Vote in that electorate - but not always, Ohariu and Epsom being notable exceptions for different reasons.
There are 74 Electorate seats up for grabs - 67 from the General Electorate and 7 Maori Electorate seats, and a total of 120 seats up for grabs in Parliament.
The Parties and Candidates
The Government

Labour are your typical centre-left/lite-left Social Democrat party.
After spending 9 years in the opposition wilderness, cycling through floundering leaders of varying levels of competence, previous-leader Andrew Little threw the mother of all Hail Mary passes to his deputy Jacinda Ardern, who turned that into an election win.
Likeable, pragmatic, an excellent communicator, relentlessly positive, ruthless when needed, Ardern's mettle as a leader has been consistently tested through her first term, and has emerged each time smelling of roses.
The party has not necessarily achieved all that it set out to do (the backdown on Capital Gains Tax is a notable defeat), something which they have more or less successfully pinned on their coalition partners.
Nevertheless, they have been consistently popular with a leader that is almost universally beloved (it also helps that she's one of the most competent heads of state in the Anglosphere), and are expected to win this one at a canter.
New Zealand First

New Zealand First are the Populist Conservative party - notably anti-immigrant but also anti-neoliberal. Think UKIP, but with more complicated racial politics. Their leader, Winston Peters, entered into a coalition with Labour and got to be Deputy PM for this term, but have also frequently run interference against the government - something which they appear rather proud of, based on their campaigning.
Made up of a bunch of MPs that either don't fit in elsewhere or have been run off from their home parties. Essentially, they're an island of misfit toys that relies entirely on the presence of Winston Peters in Parliament. Current polling seems to indicate their goose is cooked, but Peters has been here before and bounced back.
The Greens

The Greens are the Leftist/Environmentalist party with a co-leadership model - Marama Davidson has an activist background and represents the more traditional values of the party, while James Shaw is somewhat more Centrist and mainstream. As a result, they've managed to mostly shed the hippy anti-vaxx baggage they come with.
They're the natural coalition partners of Labour, and have some highly talented and well-liked MPs like Chlöe Swarbrick. Currently in the danger zone of around 5% in the polls, but they tend to outperform expectations at elections.
The Opposition

National are the Centre-Right Conservative party, led by Judith Collins. Voted out in 2017 after 9 years in government, their last term in government was notable for three things: being unexpectedly great at negotiating settlements with various Iwi over historic grievances, a flag change referendum that wasted a lot of money for little return while the then-government cried poverty, and being one of the most morally and ethically bankrupt parties that this country had ever seen.
Current (and outgoing) Green MP Gareth Hughes summed it up quite nicely.
Having been voted out of government, they have yet to come to terms with being in opposition. They're now on to their third leader of this Parliamentary term:
Simon Bridges got voted out for being a total fuck-up

Todd Muller resigned when he realised he wasn't up to the task after about 2 months, after he fell apart into a sweaty puddle at seemingly each public engagement.

They have found themselves in multiple scandals of their own making, shedding multiple MPs. One got kicked out of the party for leaking financial information about the party to undermine then-leader Simon Bridges (before having a nervous breakdown), one got kicked out of the party for leaking COVID-19 patient data (that was leaked to him by the former Party President) to the press to prove he wasn't a racist after he sent out racist flyers to his electorate, and another got booted after it turned out he had a habit of sending unsolicited horny text messages to women and underage girls. Fucking ew.
So naturally, they turned to Judith Collins - hard right economically, surprisingly socially liberal on conscience issues, noted for leaking information like a sieve, and practically the main character of a book that detailed the dirty, underhanded and at times almost legally dubious tactics her party engaged in, in order to win and maintain power.
ACT Party

The right-wing "Classical Liberal" "party" "led" by Gordon Brittas David Seymour, that is basically the equivalent of the Popular Front of Judea. No one likes him, he's only there as a sockpuppet party for National, and I knew him at university and he was a cunt then and is an even bigger cunt now. Just look at this gormless fuck.
Cuntface has managed to raise his party's profile by some successful work on euthanasia legislation, and by sucking off gun rights crybabies and alt-right TOTALLY NOT NAZI pissfucks after the 2019 mosque shooting. An absolute cunt and a waste of skin.
So, how has polling looked?

You tell me.
Edit: Forgot about 3 new electorates that are being contested.